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Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology (JACEIT)
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Ruang lingkup Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology (JACEIT) adalah : 1. Struktur mencakup penerapan mekanika teknik seperti pada penerapan struktur beton, baja, kayu, dan komposit. Termasuk penerapan dalam rekayasa gempa suatu bangunan gedung dan jembatan. 2. Manajemen Konstruksi. Bidang manajemen konstruksi mencakup dalam penerapan optimalisasi estimasi biaya, penjadwalan proyek, manajemen proyek, analisa dokumen tender/lelang, penentuan kelayakan ekonomi suatu proyek, semua hal yang berkaitan dengan hukum dan perizinan bangunan hingga pengorganisasian pekerjaan di lapangan sehingga diharapkan bangunan tersebut selesai tepat waktu. 3. Material Maju. Bidang material maju merupakan suatu terapan inovasi untuk mencari material konstruksi bahan bangunan yang memiliki keterbaruan baik dari segi keawetan, keringanan, kekuatan/mutu, dan keekonomisan yang mampu diterapkan di dalam suatu konstruksi bangunan sipil. 4. Hidroteknik dan Sumber Daya Air. Bidang hidroteknik dan sumber daya air mencakup bidang teknik sipil keairan seperti penerapan hidrologi dalam memprediksi perubahan iklim dan cuaca, menganalisa aliran permukaan dan air bawah tanah serta menganalisa besaran muatan sedimen dan hidrograf banjirnya serta permasalahan-permasalahannya. Untuk penerapan hidrolika dalam menganalisa bangunan keairan seperti perencanaan bangunan waduk, embung, kolam retensi, bendung, bendungan, saluran drainase, bangunan dan saluran irigasi, bangunan pelindung sungai, normalisasi sungai. Sedangkan bidang sumber daya air mencakup penerapan optimalisasi dan manajemen sumber daya air untuk diterapkan di pertanian, perkebunan dan kehutanan, serta dalam menganalisa konservasi air dan tanah serta bangunan konservasinya. 5. Bidang geoteknik ini mencakup struktur dan sifat berbagai macam tanah dan batuan dalam menopang suatu bangunan yang akan berdiri di atasnya. Cakupannya dapat berupa investigasi lapangan yang merupakan penyelidikan keadaan-keadaan tanah suatu daerah, penyelidikan laboratorium serta perencanaan konstruksi tanah dan batuan, seperti: timbunan (embankment), galian (excavation), terowongan tanah lunak (soft soil tunnel), terowongan batuan (rock/mountain tunnel), bendungan tanah/batuan (earth dam, rock fill dam), dan lain-lain. 6. Bidang transportasi mencakup sistem transportasi dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaannya. Cakupan bidang ini antara lain konstruksi dan pengaturan jalan raya, jalan rel, konstruksi bandar udara, terminal, stasiun, pelabuhan dan manajemennya. 7. Teknik Lingkungan. Bidang teknik lingkungan mencakup permasalahan-permasalahan dan isu lingkungan. Cakupan bidang ini antara lain penyediaan sarana dan prasarana air bersih, pengelolaan limbah dan air kotor, pencemaran sungai, pencemaran air tanah, polusi suara dan udara hingga teknik penyehatan serta kualitas air. 8. Pemetaan / Geomatika/ Penginderaan Jauh. Bidang ini mencakup penerapan suatu pemetaan hasil ukur tanah terhadap pemecahan suatu permasalahan kondisi geografis muka bumi baik itu melalui citra satelit, dan penginderaan jauh. Salah satunya dengan penerapan analisa Sistem Informasi Geografis dan perangkat aplikasi lainnya. 9. Rekayasa Teknologi Infrastruktur. Bidang ini merupakan penerapan keilmuan ketekniksipilan dalam merancangbangun infrastruktur dan penerapan teknologi infrastruktur dalam suatu pembangunan yang berkesinambungan yang berwawasan lingkungan.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021" : 6 Documents clear
Pengaruh Penambahan Plastik LDPE Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Lapis AC-BC Hilda Nur Hidayati; Mirza Ghulam Rifqi; M. Shofi’ul Amin
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.63


Increased traffic volume growth has an impact on demand for the construction of pavement structures and the use of materials used. Therefore, we need a material that can help coat aggregate materials other than asphalt in order to reduce these effects, for example polymer or plastic materials. One effort that can be done is to modify the effect of adding Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE) plastic as an additive in AC-BC (Asphalt Concrete-Binder Course) asphalt mixture. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of the addition of Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE) type plastics as an added ingredient of AC-BC hot asphalt mixture on Marshall characteristics. Tests conducted include aggregate testing, asphalt testing, plastic testing, and Marshall testing. The design of the mixture is done by dry (dry process) using a variation of plastic content of 0%, 2%, 3%, and 4% with each bitumen content of 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6.0 % and 6.5%, the number of test specimens made is 75 test specimens. From the Marshall test results obtained KAO value of 6.5% with a variation in LDPE plastic content of 3%. With a stability value of 1878.40 kg, a flow value of 3.81 mm, an MQ value of 472.5 kg / mm, a VFB / VFA value of 72.55%, a VIM value of 4.29%, and a VMA value of 17.74%.
Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Plastik Low Density Polyethylene Terhadap Karakteristik Campuran Laston AC-WC Dwi Susanti Erni; Mirza Ghulam Rifqi; M. Shofi'ul Amin
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.67


The problem of plastic waste is now one of the world's concentrations. Efforts to reduce and prevent many have been done, but in general the results obtained are not comparable with the growing use of plastics that continues to increase, especially plastics that are not managed properly. One of the efforts made is the utilization of plastic waste as added ingredients of Laston AC-WC hot asphalt mixture called modification. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of adding Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic waste to the characteristics of Marshall Laston AC-WC. Tests carried out include aggregate testing, asphalt testing, and plastic testing, and Marshall testing. The design of the mixture is done by dry (dry process) using a variation of plastic content of 0%, 4.5%, 5%, and 5.5%, each of which uses 5 levels of asphalt which is 5%, 5.5%, 6% , 6.5%, and 7% with 3 specimens each, so that there are a total of 75 specimens. Marshall test results obtained KAO of 6.5% with a variation of plastic content of 5.5%, obtained stability of 2167.40 kg, Flow 3.8 mm, VIM 3.94%, VMA 15.95%, VFA / VFB 77, 12%, and MQ 570.37 kg / mm. So that the addition of LDPE type plastic waste meets (General Specifications of Bina Marga, 2018).
Analisis Perencanaan Sheet Pile pada Tanggul Sungai (Studi Kasus : Sungai Lungun, Sabanar Baru, Kabupaten Bulungan) Hasrullah; Sebanya Elia; Dandung Novianto
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.225


This study was conducted to identify thecauses of landslides on river embankments. This studu aims to determine the value of the slope safety factor and to plan the dimensions of sheet pile reinforcement and stability on the slopes of the Lungun River. This study used the Fellenius method to analyze the stability of the existing slope, the design principle of sheet piles in anchors located on cohesive soil with the free end method, and also with the help of a computer technology program, namely Plaxis application program. From the results of the analysis and calculations, it was concluded that the value of the safety factor on the slopes of the Lungun River using the manual calculations of the Fellinus Method. A value of 1.470 was obtained and a calculation using the Plaxis 2D V.8.2 program obtained a value of 1.1092. For the solutions to landslides on the slopes of the Lungun River, the dimensions of sheet pile reinforcement obtained from the calculation were using a concrete sheet pile type W-400 A 1000 with a depth of 10 m plus anchor recognition at a depth of 1 m from the ground surfaces which was connected by a steel tie rod 7 cm along 14 m to a concrete anchor block with height of 1.5 m and thickness of 5 cm which was embedded 0.5 m from the ground surface, so that the value of safety factor that was calculated using the Plaxis 2D V.8.2 program was 3.5814.
Analisis Quantity Take-Off Menggunakan BIM Pada Proyek Jalan Tol “X” Karina Travis; Nunung Martina; Safri
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.244


In large and complex construction projects, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is important in the globalization of construction technology. Through the implementation of BIM, it is hoped that the “X” Toll Road Project can minimize errors. The problems that occurs in the field is that the QTO calculation using AutoCAD with Microsoft Excel tools in the initial estimate is less accurate so that it results in a miss calculation in the implementation, BIM is expected to be a solution to this problem. A case study was conducted to compare the quantity take-off in toll road construction on Overpass Interchange “X” and Access Roads using BIM and conventional. Data analysis was obtained from carrying out quantity take-off work using BIM and Conventional CAD as well as conducting interviews with BIM experts. Based on the research conducted, there are differences in the calculation of the take-off quantity between BIM and conventional, the percentage difference in the calculation obtained is the difference in earthworks ±4,375%, structural excavation difference ± 1,7%, pavement difference ± 4.4%, structural concrete difference ± 0.1%, and other work 0% difference. BIM can streamline more actual volume, but it takes a long time for beginners to get accurate. BIM is influenced by the level of modeling detail, if the modeling is not modeled properly, it will give wrong volume calculation results. Compared to conventional methods, using BIM at the beginning of planning is very effective in preventing re-design as well as inefficient designs and miss calculations.
Evaluasi Kapasitas Tiang Pancang Miring pada Pilar Jembatan Tipe Pile Cap Ananda Sabiila Rosyada; Andi Indianto
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.245


In the implementation of the construction of the Main Bridge on the X Toll Road project, there was a change in the shape of the structure in the form of a slope of the P2 pile that did not match the DED by 3°. So that with the change in the shape of the structure, it is necessary to evaluate the capacity of the P2 pile and the influence on other structures must be considered. This research discusses how the capacity of the pile after experiencing a slope and how to handle it properly if the pile capacity is inadequate. Pile capacity evaluation is done by checking the dimensional capacity, reinforcement capacity, foundation bearing capacity, and deflection of the P1-P2 superstructure using the help of software SAP2000 in analyzing. The results showed that the pile capacity at P2 was inadequate, indicated by the lack of reinforcement on the piles as much as 6-D10,7 mm and column P2 as much as 9-D10,7 mm. As a result of inadequate pile capacity, the P1-P2 connection lacks top reinforcement. Therefore, structural strengthening is needed to make the P1-P2 structure more rigid by making bracing concrete with a length of 18,78 meters, a width of 33,92 meters, and a thickness of 0,8 meters with the need for longitudinal reinforcement and transverse reinforcement D32-250. After the structural strengthening is done, the required area of reinforcement for columns P2, piles P2, and connections P1-P2 are all fulfilled with those already installed in the side.
Analisis Faktor Keterlambatan Pada Pembangunan Proyek X Fahira Khairani; Iwan Supriyadi
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v2i2.248


In a construction project generally has its own work schedule and activities. Project planning refers to the estimates that have been generated at the time of planning. If there is a discrepancy between the planned plan and its implementation, it can cause delays in project development. Based on the s curve, in May the progress should have reached 83.8%, but the realization in the field has only reached 59.2%, As a result, late indications might be detected in the project. It's necessary to look at the dominant reasons of project delays based on the percentage data. The purpose of this study is to reveal or find the dominant factors that affect delays and solutions for delays in the construction of Project X. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to individuals who were directly involved with project development such as contractors, supervisory consultants, and owners. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the data using SPSS V25 software. The financial factor with parameter X28, namely late payment by the owner obtaining a β value of 0.386 has proven to be the most significant factor in the delay in the construction of Project X and the effort to overcome this delay is to provide a letter to the owner to make a cash-in plan to pay off the outstanding payment in progress.

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